Asbestos Exposure at NOLA Job Sites
Written by Irpino, Avin & Hawkins Law Firm on February 26, 2018
Asbestos exposure at NOLA job sites has been an issue for many generations of workers, leading to many cases of a rare and aggressive form of cancer known as mesothelioma, which attacks the lining of the lungs, heart and other organs.
Since New Orleans is a port city with access to the Mississippi River and the Atlantic Ocean, there are many shipyards in the area. The region also has many historical industries linked with asbestos exposure. New Orleans has been the site of shipbuilding, manufacturing, chemical plants, petroleum refining and other industries considered high risk for mesothelioma.
Some of the job sites linked to asbestos exposure in the city include the New Orleans Acid and Fertilizer Company, New Orleans Civic Center and City Hall, Rheem Manufacturing Company, New ...
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